Meet the 2022 Class of HBCU and PBI Female Presidents, the Largest Class Ever: 47 Presidents!
Raising Funds and Friends; “Raising Up” Students; Raising Voice, “Raising the Roof,” Raising Value of Students, Administrators, Faculty, Staff, and the Value Proposition of the Institutions.
All Hail & Salute the Fabled Females of Foresight, Fortitude & Faith on the Frontlines of America’s HBCUs and PBIs.

The National Association for Equal Opportunity in Higher Education (NAFEO) is the nation’s only national membership association of all of the nation’s Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and Predominantly Black Institutions (PBIs). Founded in 1969, by the presidents and chancellors of HBCUs and other equal educational opportunity institutions, NAFEO is a one of a kind membership association representing the presidents and chancellors of the public, private, independent, and land-grant, two-year, four-year, graduate and professional, HBCUs and PBIs.
Contact NAFEO